Hint: I’ve seen a few scenarios where CUA has been implemented from Solution Manager or ERP. My preference is to use ERP for a few reasons: 1: Typically, ERP has the greatest number of users in your SAP landscape than other system types. In most cases I’ve encountered, any user-created in a BW, SRM or CRM (or other) system typically already has a user account in ERP. There are exceptions, of course, but for the most part, this holds true. 2: Position-Based security, if you use Organisational Management in ERP, this is a possible scenario and makes sense for several reasons. CUA works perfectly in this situation and compliments the position-based security model.
Hint: You can have one master system that controls systems and clients from different landscape tiers (Development and Quality Assurance). While this works, I tend to favour having a master system per landscape tier as I find the consistency for testing provisioning scenarios with this approach to be better.
Plan and implement your security. You’ll need system users in the master and child systems with the appropriate access* to set up the CUA and then later to operate it. This step also includes making sure you have the necessary RFC** destinations for each system and client.
*Use the standard roles in the table below as a reference for creating your company roles.
Note: this is not a comprehensive list of available roles but is a great starting point; if you need more information, you can look here.: https://help.sap.com/viewer/c6e6d078ab99452db94ed7b3b7bbcccf/7.4.19/en-US/23cbce3b1bc7fa20e10000000a114084.html